Occupational risk prevention in Guadalajara is a very serious matter. At Teat, we are an architecture studio based in Guadalajara with a national presence, and we can assist you in this matter.
At Teat, we create plans for occupational risk prevention in Guadalajara. We specialize in these plans to help your company with any issues related to risks, safety, and health at work.

What is occupational risk prevention?
According to Law 31/1995, of November 8, on Occupational Risk Prevention, prevention is understood as a ‘set of activities or measures adopted or foreseen in all phases of the company’s activity with the aim of avoiding or reducing the risks derived from work.
How do we assist you in occupational risk prevention in Guadalajara?
In Article 15 of the law, the principles of preventive action are outlined, which are the measures that employers must apply.
Among the functions established by the law for the director of works are:
- Assessing risks.
- Evaluating risks that cannot be avoided.
- Combating risks at their source.
- Adapting work to the individual, i.e., selecting equipment, work methods, and production methods that mitigate monotonous and repetitive work in order to reduce its impact on health.
- Replacing something dangerous with something involving less or no risk.
- Planning prevention.
- Preferring collective protection over individual protection.
- Providing instructions to workers.
To achieve all of this, you need the support of experts in occupational risk prevention. We can assist you in creating the appropriate plans for your company, tailored to your industry, employees, and more.
Our occupational risk prevention services in Guadalajara include the preparation of the following documents:
Safety and Health Studies
We help you conduct the necessary studies on the safety and health of workers. This takes into account the nature of the activity, job positions, and workers.
We know that workplace health involves managing risks to protect workers and your company. Good occupational health and safety help employees be more efficient and productive, saving you money.
You are legally obligated to conduct these studies, but in general, they bring many benefits to your business.
Safety and Health Plans
Article 7 of Royal Decree 1627/97 indicates that the safety and health plan at work must be prepared by each contractor on each project. It involves analysis, study, development, and complements the provisions of safety and health studies.
The plan includes specific proposals for prevention. It must be approved by the safety and health coordinator.
As you can see, it is a key document for the execution of any construction project. Additionally, it contributes to the safety and health of workers.
You will need this plan whenever a construction project has a design.
Safety and Health Coordination
In accordance with Royal Decree 1627/1997, of October 24, the coordinator in safety and health matters during the execution of the work must apply general principles of prevention and safety. They must also coordinate the activities of the work so that all parties involved comply with preventive actions.
At Teat, we have experts who fulfill these functions, including the approval of the safety and health plan and the organization of activities.
Occupational Risk Assessment
Occupational risk assessment allows for the implementation of the risk prevention plan. The employer is responsible for identifying risks to the health and safety of workers. It also assesses work equipment, chemicals, if any, and workplace conditions.
This assessment must be updated if there is any change in working conditions.
Occupational risk assessment must only be carried out by competent technical personnel. Although it is an obligation, it should not be done solely for this reason but should be considered necessary to adopt preventive measures to protect workers.
Emergency and Self-Protection Plans
Self-protection plans are created to prevent and control risks to people and property. They help respond to emergency situations.
Emergency plans are part of self-protection plans and indicate the basic criteria for how personnel should act in an emergency.
According to Royal Decree 393/2007, of March 23, self-protection plans must be prepared by a competent technician, such as our architects at Teat.
A self-protection plan is mandatory for industrial activities, storage, research, transportation, and energy infrastructure. It is also required for public and recreational events.